Place of the event: Penza city
Date of the event: 08-11 of December, 2019
Starting from 08-11 of December 2019, the company “Eventcenter”, with assistance from the Association of entrepreneurs and distributors of the Republic of Armenia and the entrepreneurs support center of Penza Region, have organized a reverse business mission of Armenian business circles with the aim to establish and to increase long term cooperation between enterprises of two countries. In the basis of the primary list of the export oriented SMSP of Penza region preliminary negotiations have been held with trading chains and whole-sale retailers of the Republic of Armenia, which were interested in the purchase of the production from the Penza region. As a business-mission participants Armenian companies were selected which were interested in importing of the production (products, service) from Penza companies, the delegation was composed of companies such as: “TH Imperium” LLC, CJSC “Newplast”, “Lia-K Group” LLC and “Avesta” LLC.
Within the framework of the business-mission, Armenian delegation has taken part in the work of business contact exchange. In parallel B2B meetings were organized for the Armenian companies’ representatives with the representatives of foreign companies, including visits to Penza plants. The representatives of the Republic of Armenia have evaluated offers of Penza region as very constructive, interesting and acceptable for the consideration. Meetings will have further elaboration. Contracts are possible in the fields of food-stuff and construction activities of the Penza region.